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HOTTOPICS.HT: Second Disruptive Workforce Roundtable Discussions


Organizations are challenged with managing the workforce transformation, talent retainment, and skills gaps. What's next?

Brigid Nzekwu, News Anchor and Journalist, moderates this second roundtable to discuss The Disruptive Workforce, who they are, and how they are rapidly changing the industry. She is joined by Nicholas Reeks, Director IT, Tata Steel, Pol Navarro, Digital Director, TSB Bank, Rob Smith, Senior Director, Sales, Shure, Lauren-Elise Tennant, Founder and CEO, Horizon 7.

Explore this and other HOTTOPICS.HT content here.


Excerpt: How can business leaders manage the workforce transformation?

Excerpt: How is culture enabling a disruptive workforce?

Excerpt: How can business leaders retain their best talent?


Excerpt: What skills should the workforce learn to survive disruption?


Excerpt: How will the workforce evolve by 2040?



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